School-Based Programs

Forefront supports comprehensive suicide prevention in over 60 high schools across Washington state.

We currently run two comprehensive, multi-year suicide prevention programs for participating high schools in Washington state: Forefront in the Schools (our in-house program, founded in 2015, with over 60 participating and alumni schools) and JED High School delivered by Forefront Suicide Prevention, a new offering starting in the 2023-24 school year.

Both programs provide support for crisis planning, gatekeeper trainings with Forefront Suicide Prevention LEARN®, peer support for school staff, parents and students, and opportunities for students to lead suicide prevention initiatives in their school communities.

We also work with partners such as the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Behavioral Health Navigators in Washington’s Educational Service Districts to scale our expertise and learnings by developing trainings and materials for comprehensive suicide prevention, based on the programming we have developed through Forefront in the Schools.  

Forefront in the Schools

Training for teachers, parents/caregivers, counselors and students; crisis planning tools; strengthening links to community supports; and elevating student voices, with an emphasis on social emotional learning and wellbeing.

JED Partnership

A first-of-its-kind partnership to provide mental health resources and programming to high schools in Washington state.