After an attempt

Suicidal thoughts and attempts are common. You are not alone.

It is important to take care of yourself, to connect with those whom you trust and who support you.

You may be feeling a whole host of emotions: embarrassment, anger, confusion and/or relief. Most people who attempt suicide do not want to die, they want to end the emotional pain that is making their lives so miserable. Forefront Suicide Prevention’s community of attempt and suicide loss survivors is a safe space to connect with others about your experience.

There is no right or wrong way to find your personal path to healing. Not all attempt survivors feel ready to see a counselor immediately. But here are some steps you can take:

  • Get professional counseling help, as well as peer-to-peer support. Stick with it. Not every counselor will be the right fit for you. Click here to find a therapist near you.
  • Remove the dangers in your home such as guns and excess medication during this time.
  • Identify what thoughts or behaviors set you off and make you think about suicide.
  • Make a safety plan that includes the names of people you would call or what you would do, if/when thoughts of suicide should return.
  • Make a recovery plan that includes ways to build healthy coping skills, strengthen relationships and manage stressors.
  • Think about what you will say about your suicide attempt and who you are willing to tell – consider what questions you will answer and which ones you won’t.


Your loved one is safe – for now. But in addition to feeling immense relief that they survived, worrisome questions are probably swimming in your head:

“Can I trust her to stay safe?”

“Will he do this again?”

“Why didn’t she tell me she was struggling? I would have been there for her.” 

The list goes on.

You’ve been through a harrowing experience, and it’s important to take care of yourself and your loved one. Establishing safety and a support system is now the top priority. That includes drafting a safety plan for your loved one (see above) and taking an inventory of lethal means in your home (such as guns and excess medications).

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